Thursday, February 25, 2010

Huckleberry Hero Hump-Day part 1

The Mighty Destroyer

The Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy

This week Ol' Huck portrays two heroes from the Golden Age of Comics and he brings an old friend along to play his sidekick.
At the top Huck portrays Timely's (now known as Marvel) defender of democracy of the foreign shores, The Mighty Destroyer.

And above Huck stars as The Star-Spangled Kid and Yogi Bear co-stars as his sidekick, Stripesy. The Star-Spangled Kid (Sylvester Pemberton) was a wealthy young boy who wanted to do his part for the war effort and being too young to enlist, created a patriotic costume for himself and along with his chauffeur/bodyguard Pat Dugan takes on the alter-ego Stripesy and helps fights the Axis powers.

I'm feeling a little under the weather this week and not wanting to skip H.H.H.D., I'm posting the original pencils. Hopefully by the weekend I'll have the colored versions posted for you.
Thank You

1 comment:

  1. Marc,
    I love the Huck/Yogi "re-imaging as SSK & Stripsey...positively inspired. Your clever choices of characters to "super-ize" is really fun.
