Sunday, February 28, 2010

Batman: The Brave and the Bold - The Power of Shazam

Much, much Thanks to Rick over at "Mail it to Team-up" and "Plastic Man Platitudes" (to name just a few) for posting a link to the "Power of Shazam" episode on the animated series "Batman: The Brave and the Bold".
This has to be my favorite episode so far and that's saying a lot considering how much I loved the Plastic Man episodes.
This series has been a blast and so much fun to watch. Just like the classic comic book that it is based on, Batman teams up with guest stars that have run the gamut of the DC Universe and some of the heroes that they have used, I never would have thought they would be animated. I can't recommend this show enough.

Be sure to to check out Rick's Blogs, they're great fun and entertaining.

Plastic Man Platitudes:

Mail it to Team-up:

On My Mind:

Show Rick some love - He's posted some of my art work!

1 comment:

  1. I echo your sage comments about CN's Batman/Brave and the Bold. And thanks for the link to Rick's stuff.
