Saturday, August 7, 2010

Super Goof and Robin Hood

For the last couple of months I've been writing a story that teams up Disney's animated version of Robin Hood and Super Goof (also owned by Disney of course). Above and below are a few of the sketches I've done so far to tie into the story.

The story involves Disney Comics' villain The Phantom Blot who breaks out of jail and uses a time machine created by inventor Gyro Gearloose that sends the Blot back to the time of Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest. Gyro sends Super Goof back in time to capture the Blot and with Robin Hood stop the dark clad villain from taking control of England from Prince John.

I have five chapters written and am having a lot fun writing this story teaming up two of my favorite characters from the House of Mouse.

Stay 'tooned!

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