Thursday, February 11, 2010

What a week!

What a week!
Since last Thursday we've had close to 30 inches of snow. The temps at night have gone down to the single digits. At various times we have lost power due to the weight of the heavy snow falls bringing down trees and power lines. Twice I've had to dig my car out of the snow, and with a messed up heart that's NOT a good thing!
My internet service has been off and on, and when it is on, it has been very slow. Uploading has been practically nil.
So hopefully I'll get Huckleberry Hero Hump-Day back up once the internet is running normally.
I've also been working on some more Captain Marvel pieces that I want to feature this month. I'm currently watching the serial that was made in 1942 on my old VHS copy. I'll have to check my archives of pictures - I'm sure I have the movie posters on some of my old discs.
Thanks for your patience.

P.S. - a personal rant:


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