Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What's been going on

Hi all, I just thought I would update you folks on why I have not posted any artwork lately. Back in August I found out I have very high blood pressure and problems with my heart. I had to spend some time in the hospital and they are still trying to find the right combination of medication to get the blood pressure under control.
This is also affecting my vision. I get "floaters" on my eyes, these masses of light on my left eye makes it hard to focus on details and drawing has become hard to do. I hope to have an eye exam shortly and I can get back to doing what I love the best...drawing.
I have been able to write and I'm working on a story teaming up two of my favorite cartoon characters. It involves one of my favorites themes, time travel. I'll share more of this as I get further along.

Hopefully soon Huckleberry Heroes will return to this blog and I will share more of my art.

Take Care all.

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