Saturday, May 8, 2010

Two Ages of Popeye

The above sketch was done for a story I wrote for The Popeye Fan Club. Popeye is lost in time and encounters his younger self.
The Popeye on the left is modeled after his first appearance and the one on the right is modeled after Segar's version toward the end of his run on the strip. Two ages of Popeye based on the art of E.C. Segar.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Some Thimble Theatre Sketches

Here are some sketches of Popeye's friends and enemies that I have done over the years.
Above Wimpy chases down Big Boy to get his burger prize. This is probably the most exercise the moocher has ever gotten.

The Sea Hag stirs up some trouble for Popeye.

Wimpy is buried in "Hamburger Heaven" as Popeye and Olive look on in disgust.

I'll never forget what my friend Wayne and fellow artist said when I showed him this sketch, "You're insane for drawing that many burgers!"

Hey, we have to suffer for our art!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Huckleberry Hero Hump-Day Special

He is known as "The Ghost who walks", and as "The man who can not die". For over 400 years he has fought against piracy and those who would do evil and injustice in the jungles of Bangalla.

In reality he is comics first masked crime fighter. The Phantom made his first appearance in the comic pages of American newspapers in 1936. The brainchild of Lee Falk, The Phantom is actually the 22nd descendant of the Walker family line to take up the fight against the Singh Dynasty and it's reign of piracy.
Before Superman and Batman, Kit Walker was the first to put on a suit of "tights", a black domino mask and the sign of the skull on his ring and belt to fight evil-doers.

This week in honor the great comic strip hero, Huck enters The Phantom's secret Skull Cave and takes the mantle upon the Skull Throne and strikes a familiar pose of the crime fighter.

I'm posting the original pencils of this sketch because I'm really happy the way this drawing turned out. I thought I captured the mood very well. I'll eventually post this in color.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Popeye and Superman

The above sketch of The Man of Steel and The Spinach Powered Sailor is one of those pieces that took many drawings to get it just right.
I had Superman's pose pretty much set from the start, only a few minor changes were needed from the initial drawing. But Popeye, that's a different matter. I did five different poses of Popeye with his arms crossed to be able to stand back to back with Superman. It was only when I realized that I had to arch his back that the pose was right.
This is the main promotional piece I did for my "Popeye vs Superman" story,
it had to be "special"!